Learning About Music TheoryLearning About Music Theory

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Learning About Music Theory

Hello, my name is Hilda Pendleton. Welcome to my website about music theory. When I was a young girl, my parents required that I play a new instrument in music class each year. Over the years, I decided that I favored the brass instruments the best. I continued playing instruments on my own time using music theory to perfect my performances. On this site, I hope to share my knowledge of music theory with you all. I invite you to visit my site on a regular basis to learn all you can about music theory. Thank you for coming by.


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Beginner Drum Lessons

Playing the drums is a great way to release tension and showcase your love of music. Drum lessons can be taken online or in person. Starting out will require some basic materials and a commitment to practicing each skill that you are taught. 

Getting Started

If you are uncertain if you would like to play acoustic or electric drums, you may be reluctant about investing money in a new drum set. Getting started with lessons will only require that you have a pair of drumsticks to use. You will learn many rhythmic patterns, which will involve moving the drumsticks in succession. Some new drum students decide to purchase a drum pad to aid them with their lessons.

A drum pad will replicate the positioning of an actual set of drums but will cost less money than an actual set of drums. You will be instructed on how to read music during your lessons. Once you decide if you will be taking online lessons or in-person lessons, you will be better equipped about what your lessons will entail. As your lessons progress, your instructor may use a particular music book that features songs that contain drum parts. When you are provided with the information about the music book, you can purchase a copy for yourself to use during each of your lessons.


Setting up an area where you will practice playing the drums each day is an important part of mastering an instrument. In order to not feel frustrated about the unfamiliarity of an instrument, it is best to set up a comfortable space where you will perform each of your practice sessions. Observing your teacher and mimicking the manner in which they play the drums can be inspiring and demonstrate to you that one day can reach your musical goal. As you get accustomed to playing the drums, you will be introduced to more complicated melodies.

Learning how to play a musical instrument is an individual goal. If you discover that you have a knack for playing the drums and want to move forward in your efforts, your instructor can advise you concerning drum sets that will be suitable for you to use. Drum sets come in many sizes and shapes. You should pick out one spot in your home where you would like to practice playing the drums and ensure that there is enough space around them, to allow yourself to comfortably improve upon your craft.