Learning About Music TheoryLearning About Music Theory

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Learning About Music Theory

Hello, my name is Hilda Pendleton. Welcome to my website about music theory. When I was a young girl, my parents required that I play a new instrument in music class each year. Over the years, I decided that I favored the brass instruments the best. I continued playing instruments on my own time using music theory to perfect my performances. On this site, I hope to share my knowledge of music theory with you all. I invite you to visit my site on a regular basis to learn all you can about music theory. Thank you for coming by.


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Steps Country Music Singers Can Take To Prepare For A Relaxing Interview

Are you a country music singer who thrives on practicing for your next gig or getting up on stage to perform but feels anxious when facing an interview? If so, you are not alone. Preparing for an interview will help to ease your anxiety and represent yourself and your brand well.

Stay up to date about your music genre

It can be easy to get so caught up in your own music that you do not always keep up with all the latest happenings in your genre of music. Being familiar with the latest music trends in country music will help you be prepared to answer any questions your interviewer may ask. Knowing what is hot and what is not in today's music will give you a professional edge during interviews.

Think about who inspired you

Fans love to hear what inspires other musicians and how they got their start. One of the questions interviewers often want to know is who your inspiration is and how you got started in music. Taking the time to reflect on your country music influencers will help you answer the question with confidence.

Avoid sticky subjects

It is always best to avoid discussing anything involving politics or other controversial subjects, as these topics often spark conflicts and lead to no-win discussions. If an interviewer brings up a question that you feel will spur a heated debate, it is best to politely decline answering and move on to the next question.

Be prepared for post-performance interviews

Being surrounded by reporters begging for an interview after a long performance can be daunting on the best day. Always try to take a few moments backstage to regroup, rehydrate, and meditate for a few minutes before you meet with interviewers and get bombarded by a series of questions. This will help you relax and feel less rushed and forced into an interview.

Be prompt and polite

Always allow adequate time to get to an interview. Being polite and considerate will go a long way towards helping you maintain a great reputation in the music industry. For email interviews, be mindful of proper punctuation and correct spelling when answering questions. 

Many country singers wish they could simply focus on the music that is so much a part of them and forget the interviews that come with working in the music industry. However, doing interviews can help you land more gigs, promote your music, and allows your fans to get to know you better. Preparing ahead will help you tackle your next country music interview.