Learning About Music TheoryLearning About Music Theory

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Learning About Music Theory

Hello, my name is Hilda Pendleton. Welcome to my website about music theory. When I was a young girl, my parents required that I play a new instrument in music class each year. Over the years, I decided that I favored the brass instruments the best. I continued playing instruments on my own time using music theory to perfect my performances. On this site, I hope to share my knowledge of music theory with you all. I invite you to visit my site on a regular basis to learn all you can about music theory. Thank you for coming by.


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Topics To Discuss When Hiring A Lyric Writer For A Wedding Song

If you've decided to sing a special song for your new spouse during your wedding reception, getting a lyric writer, like those from Hellgate Music, to compose the words to the song can be instrumental in making it have a major impact. You don't typically want to just approach a lyric writing service and tell a writer that you want a song, though. Instead, it's a better idea to actually sit down with the writer to discuss a series of topics that can go into the creation. This way, the song will better suit your relationship, and you'll take pride in playing a part in its writing. Here are some ways to approach this conversation. 

Highlight Your Key Themes

Every relationship has a series of key themes that can effectively describe it. Give some thought to these themes in advance of your meeting with the lyric writer so that he or she can include these concepts in the lyrics of your wedding song. While common themes such as love, friendship, and respect might be prevalent, try to brainstorm some specific themes that make your situation unique. For example, if you had a long-distance relationship when you were both away at college, this could be an idea that the lyric writer can play upon. 

Stress The Subjects To Avoid

You'll also want to talk to your custom lyric writer about some subjects that shouldn't have a place in the song. You may be happy with a wide range of subjects being included, but certain areas could make you or your soon-to-be spouse feel a little uncomfortable. For example, if you both have highly conservative families, perhaps the idea of a lot of passion conveyed in the song could create feelings of unease. By knowing which subjects to avoid, your lyric writer will produce something that only gives you positive feelings. 

Include Some Subtle Mentions

It can be fun to include a few subtle words in your wedding song that your significant other will pick up on, but that may not register to others in attendance. Think of some special jokes or moments that you've shared. For example, if you proposed at the beach, a line referencing sand or water could conjure up some positive memories. If your significant other loves a particular music group, using the name of one of its songs mixed into the lyrics of your song may also generate a smile from him or her.